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Old 05-26-2003, 09:35 PM   #50 (permalink)
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Location: Lost Angeles
Thanks for the replys, but to those who say I should have listened harder to her I say ...BULLSHIT!

I listened to her and I am NOT GOING TO CHANGE my ways to hijack the pootie. I did forget the second time about opening her doors, maybe my sunconsious had alterior motives.

Anyhoo, I have known this young lady for a couple of weeks, and she seemed sweet and nice and was flirting this is why I asked her out.........I had no IDEA she was retaining enough water to fill a large olympic size pool.

She called and left a bitchy message and also came by my work today and told me I was in NO WAY A MAN! A man would not have left a lady standing alone at night. I agreed with her and asked her how she knows so much about how a man should act, and if I would have been better off if I would have called her a bitch, knocked the shit out of her and then took her home to that the kind of man shes looking for??

She called me a no class asshole and stated I will never find a lady if that is my attitude. I kindly said thanks for opinion but, If all the women out there are like her then I would rather be alone then to change the way my father raised me to treat women, and I asked her what gives her the right to call herself a lady??

She walked towards her car and I ran up and OPENED HER FUCKING DOOR......and LEFT IT OPEN!! She just stood there and stared as I walked back into my office grinning from ear to ear.

I have never been rude to a lady, but as I said in my original post...THIS WAS NO LADY!!

God Bless
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