tamiks8 - I will also re-emphasize that you should talk to a GOOD cardiologist. My mom has had a very similar-sounding history - wild heart rate jumps for seemingly no reason, as well as when trying to navigate stairs or just walk. She's older than you, I'm sure (63), but... I thought for sure it was panic attacks. But nope. She has a fantastic cardiologist who is getting to the bottom of things. A big part of her problem was that she's hypertensive (HBP), and has a weakened valve (I think the AV valve, but I'd have to confirm). Also, she has anemia - the type where she has too many RBC's, so her blood is thicker and harder to pump.
There are a lot of factors that go into these things, and you should talk to a doctor that will look at the WHOLE picture, and not just the part they're good at.
My heart knows me better than I know myself, so I'm gonna let it do all the talkin'.