Originally Posted by Seaver
So if you owned a gunstore and a bunch of known KKK members all came in to buy guns at the same time as say... a NAACP rally was being planned. You would grant them service?
I was going to ask something similar but you have already.
A private business can reserve the right to do business with whomever they wish.
That said, in a situation where there *are* other businesses to take your money to, this is acceptable. The market should deal with those who discriminate by shrinking their business. However, as this sort of discrimination becomes the norm, what then?
I don't think it was a Law that blacks couldn't eat at lunch counters, it was just accepted practice (even if it was a law let's just assume it wasn't for sake of the argument). If all of the lunch counters in town decide that they aren't going to let blacks eat there, this is a problem.
Now we could say, that the market will sort them out but is that enough? Sometimes laws are neccessary to bring about change. The key, as always, is when are laws neccessary?