Originally Posted by aceventura3
O.k. I give.
You da the man! You outlasted me.
That's too bad. I was really hoping someone of your philosophy could tell what it actually means when you claim that the economy is "working".
So much for
"I present facts supporting my point of view.
You challenge those facts or present facts supporting the opposing point of view.
I support my position with more facts or defend my original facts.
Until you conceed to my point of view."
Who will do a betteer job spending your money - Government or you?
If you wanted more/better local police protection who would better address that need - Washington or your local government?
As i was saying above, neither. My local government has embraced the tax cutting philosophy of supply side economics with little regard to the way the resulting lack of funds will ultimately effect their ability to provide an effective police force. Which sucks. Especially since they did manage to find space in our pocketbooks to fund two new stadiums, but i suppose there's a certain supply side econ aspect to that little deal too.