What book(s) are you most proud of? Which one do you think is the most interesting? Has the most story (pardon the pun) behind it?
Realms of the Living Dead: A Brief Description of Life After Death by Harriette and F. Homer Curtiss. (1919)
However, this isn't really fair. It clearly states (somewhat blurrily thanks to my crappy camera phone) on the title page that the book was transmitted by the Teacher of the OCM. What is the OCM, you ask? Well, it is the Order of Christian Mystics, founded by our friends Mr. and Mrs. Curtiss.
The book is a description, a guidebook, and a manual on the crunchy, wonderful occult and paranormal world wrapped around a creamy Christian center. But the book does not just focus on it's title subject. In fact, it also covers telepathy, telekinesis, astral projection, the use of some familiars, spheres of influence, and some alchemy. Not the kind of thing you find everyday.
I can't really find a whole lot on it online. Google only gives a few hits, most of them links to places to buy copies of a reprint from 2005 or so. I had expected to find more about the book, especially since I could find a decent amount about some of the others they "Transcribed" such as
The Voice of Isis.
God(dess), I love library book sales.
So... share. It needn't be metaphysical. Just interesting.