I'm in agreement with about half of the posters on this. Unless federal or state funds are involved with your business, you should be able to serve whatever clientele you choose. If your choices piss off enough people to wreck your business, then it's your own fault. However, if there's enough of a niche clientele to keep your business afloat, then more power to you.
In most cases, a rule of thumb always seems to capture the essence of an activity while a law destroys it. And in this case, the rule of thumb would be "If the ledger is not important to you, then serve/don't serve whomever you choose. However, if the balance sheet is critical in your business, you'd better learn how to swallow your pride and your tongue."
No government official should have to create punitive legislation to force business owners to follow this simple, basic activity. Let the market handle it.
Another interesting question would be "What would you do if service was denied to you based on some of the reasons listed above?" My answer is simple - get mad and go someplace else. I don't need to involve lawyers or congressmen in that decision. I'm a big boy now.
Living is easy with eyes closed.