Originally Posted by Sultana
I can't even imagine what place a person who would refuse to provide sexual reassignment hormones would have working in a pharmacy.
Technically, there are no such thing as "sexual reassignment hormones." The hormones used for MTF sexual reassignment were designed for treatment of post-menopausal and post-hysterectomy women. For MTF reassignement, they're given in 2 to 4 times the dose that adult women would get. For example, most post-menopausal women will use a 50 mcg patch, while transsexual women will use two 100 mcg patches.
The primary anti-androgen is technically a high blood pressure medicine that has the side effect of lowering androgen levels. Endocrinologists prescribe the medicine for that effect, again in a significantly higher dose than what most hypertensive men get.
Otherwise, I'd agree completely, it makes little sense. I think it's an extension of homophobia, thought that makes little sense as gender identity and orientation are separate issues, and in our case Sissy is very straight. It made little difference in our case, as there were literally dozens of pharmacies in town, it was just inconvenient.
Keep in mind I don't want this to be solely a discussion of my experiences, but a examination of the idea of what role morality should play in deciding who should and should not get services.