I'm using Adobe PageMaker 7.0.2 and make pdfs often. We just upgraded to Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Standard (Don't as me why we didn't get professional) and I've run the updates so I have the latest version 7.0.8. Well, as expected adobe sucks my ass. I can't create one stinking pdf from pagemaker. Its got to be something I'm doing wrong, or some settings I don't have configured right, because, at least in my mind, there shouldn't be any problem with pdfing an adobe-made document. well here's the error I've been running into every time:
%%[ Error: rangecheck; OffendingCommand: setcolorspace ]%%
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%%[ Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%%
%%[ Warning: PostScript error. No PDF file produced. ] %%
ps. get this same error on 3 different computers, so its got to be something with acrobat or distiller settings. Distiller say's I'm runing the same version, 7.0.8
Anyone have experience with acrobat and can help me.