If a guy had a 'beergut' would he want to fill that back in, though? Legs don't really get that flabby, well thighs can, but they are easier to build out and look better that way.
Unfortunately, that gut flab hangs down, pulls on itself more or less I guess you could say. One supposedly good way to tell if it's fixable with time and exercise is stretchmarks (guys get them too)-they're really noticeable when the weightloss is successful and if they're there, you broke and scarred the skin and it won't bounce back. Tanning also destroys the elasticity so that if you were heavy and a sunworshipper, it won't bounce back.
At 100 lbs weight loss, it's unlikely that much flesh is going to just go away. A friend of mine lost that much due to a stomach stapling last summer. The amount of remaining flesh is astonishing, but she looks SO good now and feels fantastic, it's a small price to pay after being told if she didn't lose the weight, she'd be dead very soon.
I know that I will never lose the flesh after a 45 lb weight loss and i lost that weight in 1999 and have kept it off except for a fluctuating 5 lbs.
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.