Originally Posted by cj2112
The problem with the Saab is trying to find somebody to repair ir when it breaks, and the cost/availability of parts. If you buy the neon, parts are inexpensive (relatively speaking) and typically easy to come buy.
yep. I had a '91 Cavalier I bought for $900 that lasted me 3 1/2 years of driving every single day. Had like 180,000 miles on it, and it did break down every once in a while. And it costed like $50 including labor to fix cataclysmic shit that happened in the engine
A new SRT-4 (2004-2005 is very new to me) would be reliable and in case it ever did break down early, it would be relatively inexpensive to fix.
I just want to know if it's a turd or not. I know Neons don't have a perfect track record, but this isn't a regular Neon, so hopefully it will be better and more quality. I just want to go fast and go reliable