Hundove, all through highschool, and for the first couple years after, I was the exact same way. Everyone's situation is different, but I just worked my hardest on identifying what made me shy in the first place (as others have said).
What I found out is the reason I was so shy was that I overthought EVERYTHING. I would want to plan out exactly what I wanted to say so I said it perfectly, only to find that by the time I figured it all out, the moment for me to say it, was long past. So I was stuck saying nothing.
To fix it I just started diving in there and saying the first thing that came to my mind. Granted, when I did this I made sure it was when I was in a group of friends or people I knew I was safe with and who wouldn't insult me... but it's the baby steps. Toaster said "Fake it. Actions become Habits, You are your Habits"... for me that wasn't quite it. I could never fake it. But the Actions become Habits thing is a lot closer to my situation. The more you DO it, the more comfortable you get WHILE doing it. I found that the more I spoke up, even if I made a fool of myself, that I would learn to say the right thing the first time without having to overthink it.