I do love how you took things out of context and used only select phrases and quotes to further your flaud arguement. You did not address it on as a whole and therefore failed to respond properly.
I am not OUT of my depressive state. I am still very much depressed. But I have successfully learn how to control it. And it is not me so much as blaming, or making an excuse, it's the truth; some situations were just CAUSED by my depression. Things that would not have happened if I were not depressed.
you continue to say that depressed people are SAD people when I continuely asserted that they are the opposite, emotionless. Atleast I was.
Also you talk about depression almost like it is a wall or obstacle that you have to conquer before you can keep moving. It is not that at all. Thats where you are wrong. It doesn't STOP anything... it just impedes. It's more like carrying extra weight or supporting another person. That, in itself, does not induce failure. If you were arguing the "wall effect" then you would be right but it is just plain wrong. Depression does not make the person a failure, the person is simply a "failure" or "successor", long before they are diagnosed with depression.
To answer your question, what was I doing when I was depressed the answer was succeeding, but with more effort.
That isn't whining, nor was my first post. But you certainly created a scenario out of my text that you felt you could argue with, while leaving the points you must have had no solid arguement against alone.
I suppose my biggest problem is this; you are refering to people who are simply not depressed. You are refering to people who misuse the word and your arguement is therefore flaud. If you wanted to come on and rant about people who use the mental illness as a way to overstate unhappiness then that is fine but depression is, and always has been, simply a chemical imbalance. That is the one and only depression. You speak as if you can control depression, as if I stopped and looked at my "problems" (by the way I'm very happy, yet still depressed) I could solve them and no longer be depressed. THAT IS SADNESS, that is being upset and emotional. You need to seperate the two if you are going to make this arguement.
This is not a lack of open-mindedness, it is just simply the way my life is and it is a fact. Not arguementable, just fact. It is how I've lived my life. And I've grown up with lots of people who have used suicide /depression/anxiety as hoaxs, to gain attention or just misused the terms to describe something totally irrelevant to the actual term. Also, in the same vein, I am not standardizing you because I am reading what I see and what I see is no actual knowledge on the subject but an uneducated opinion. Is that not ignorance? Being uneducated and IGNORANT to the subject at hand?
It is ignorance. If it isn't then explain how you expect men and women to cure themselves, without medical attention, of an illness by simply "putting their emotions aside" or "taking care of their problems". If you are arguing that then you mideaswell state that people who have been badly injured in car accidents are failures because they should be able to fix their own problems by putting the fact the cannot move without assitance aside; those whiners!
I will again, just incase you decide to skip over them the first time, state my points:
1. there is exactly an opposite response to life, when depressed, then that of what you speak. It is NOT, and I repeat, NOT emotional. It is far from it. Depression's biggest weapon is just that... it steals that joy from you. Sadness, fear, happiness, horniness, excitement... and leaves you with a numb buzz. (NUMB, not SAD)
2. Depression is a mental illness, not a state of emotion.
3. Success does not depend solely on the health of the person; although, I agree, it can effect the chances. But depression is more of a burdon, then a stop sign.
4. the only case you speak of in your original post that is ACTUALLY depression is number (8)...
Please feel free to respond PROPERLY.
Thank You. PMF21
EX: Whats new?
ME: I officially love coffee more then you now.
EX: uh...
ME: So, not much.