Originally Posted by aceventura3
I think I get the "spin".
I actually don't think you do. You are the spin.
The middle class is shrinking, eventhough the American lifestyle is better than it has ever been.
What does the quality of the american lifestyle have to do with the size of the middle class? Do you have any indicators concerning the quality of the american lifestyle that actually apply directly to the quality of the american lifestyle or am i to believe that any of these:
YTD through May '06 tax reciepts to the federal government are up 12.9% over last year. The '05 increase over '04 was 15.5%.
The '06 deficit through May was $227 billion, down from $273 billion during the same period last year, even with spending being up $130 billion or 7.9%.
CBO (Congressional Budget Office) projects a total '06 deficit of $300 billion or about 2.1% of GDP.
At one point the '04 deficit was forcast at $521 billion, the actual came in at $412 billion. It fell to $318 billion in '05.
Those making over $200k/yr now pay 46.6% of total income taxes. That is up from 40.5%.
Corporate tax collections are up 30% from last years pace.
actually mean much of anything in terms of american quality of life.
People in the world are doing worse than we are and this is bad, eventhough we do what we can to provide economic aid and support to those countries (In some cases even when the leaders of those countries are corrupt and steal food from starving children).
Don't know where this is coming from. In post #5 you seemed to dismiss my position because my "life is not so bad." I then attempted to implicitly say that if the relative quality of life was the bar by which economic success is measured, then we wouldn't need supply side economics. We could just use any old economic system and then, regardless of the outcome, take comfort in the fact that compared to other countries our quality of life wouldn't be that bad. It's a flawed notion, i know, but you're the one who brought it up.
The majority of Americans are not getting any benefit from economic achievements, eventhough the folks across the street just bought a brand new SUV that gets 10 miles to the gallon while they complain about the price of gas.
So being able to take out a loan to buy an automobile is now a sign of a glowing economy?
Thanks for helping me understand the way the other side thinks.
But you don't understand how the other side thinks because i speak for myself and myself alone.
Your problem is that you're completely myopic when it comes to relevant economic indicators. I already knew this about the "other side".