Questioning one's sexuality
I haven't been here in awhile, but I know that if I could ask this any place I could ask this here.
Sometimes I question my own sexuality.
I try to add labels to myself and see if they fit right.
Am I hetrosexual...That feels close.
Am I homosexual...that is a little off.
I sit here at unable to sleep and wonder what is going on in my mind.
I have thoughts of males somtimes when I am when I am resting.
Ocassionally I find a male attractive, but I know I prefer females.
Is this questioning of one preferences normal?
I mean is just because I am not getting any attention from females that I start to question my own sexuality. I mean that is a little ridiculous...
Has anyone questioned thier sexuality before? Is this the cause. Should I run out and try to nail the next whore i come across?
I questioned myself once and came to the conclusion that I was hetrosexual.
That was in highschool. I don't know why I am going though this again. It doesn't really make sense.
well here goes nothing...
Life is meaningless.
How awesome is that?
Rock On! Now I can do whatever the hell I want
and give my own life meaning to myself.