Fatal liver damage and heart failure aside (!!!), it appears to not have a lot of side effects...not addictive.
I have to say I'd be terribly interested in the memory assist functionality. Not for myself, but for others.
However, people in the typical age range for college tend to over-do and abuse just about everything--I don't mean drugs exclusively, but you know. "If 1 is good then 5 is even better" mentality.
Plus good study habits and memory skills are something you need to develop and train, to have when you go out into the real world, into those jobs you may have qualified for because of those degrees and good grades.
Finally, I don't think there are truely very many college students desperate to turn their 3.8 and 3.9 into 4.0 for Harvard or where ever. I think this would be used most by kids who want to procrastinate and then at the last minute catch up.
"Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra and then suddenly it flips over, pinning you underneath.
At night, the ice weasels come." -
Matt Groening
My goal? To fulfill my potential.