Originally Posted by KnifeMissile
While I appreciate your attempt to create understanding, there are still many points in your post I don't understand and I'm afraid they're the major ones...
While I am able to parse the sentence fragments "identifying oneself by one's temptations" and "I would be a cheating husband even though I have never cheated," I don't understand how they apply to homosexual marriage. Could you clarify this point? How does gay marriage mean either of these two things?
Up to this point I haven't been addressing gay marriage, simply the justification of homosexual acts by saying that a person is tempted.
Originally Posted by KnifeMissile
If I were to read the rest of the paragarph into context, it sounds like you're trying to say that homosexual marriage justifies a sin and, thus, justifies all sins. Is this right?
Again, marriage hasn't entered into it yet. I am simply saying that the pattern of justification can be a slippery slope. Christians are saying that there needs to be a line drawn and claim that the line was drawn many years ago.
Originally Posted by KnifeMissile
This simply sounds like you view homosexual marriage as insulting. It's not a physical attack, like a temple literally being destroyed, because homosexual people getting married doesn't prevent heterosexual people from getting married, so nothing's destroyed... So, I can only assume you mean a verbal attack, like an insult. Is this what you mean?
That is probably a fair assessment.
Originally Posted by KnifeMissile
Well, you can't talk about insulting topics without insulting people. The best you can hope for is to talk with the goal of understanding, rather than for pejorative purposes...
That is precisely why I put off writing this for so long.
Originally Posted by Moyaboy
Are you saying that Jesus is into discrimination?
The person who was about peace and unity?
If you read what Jesus taught you will find that it is fraught with teachings of love and acceptance of people, but absolute hatred of sin. He talked to and taught women, roman leaders, samaritans and even those who belonged to the parties that would eventually have him crucified. In each recorded meeting with the social outcasts he was talking about repentance and greater faith.
Remember we are talking about the man who said
Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division
This is the same man who on various occasions launched into tyrades against the Jewish leaders and against Herod. The man who also made a whip and thrashed and kicked out the money changers who were in the temple.