06-13-2006, 07:23 AM
#17 (permalink)
Born-Again New Guy
Originally Posted by settie
Cycling Offences
- Biking on sidewalk: $135 - Ridiculous. I've been *bumped* by a car while riding in the road like I'm supposed to, and riding on the side of the road is often impractical as they allow bushes and trees to grow too far out in many places around Raleigh. Bikers should be in control of their bikes the whole time. Should they ride on a crowded sidewalk? Probably not. But if there's just one person fifty feet up, pass them on the left and wave 'hi.' And I'd much rather younger kids on bikes ride the sidewalk in case something happens.
- Running a red light: $180 - Understandable. People get hurt by disregarding simple laws like this.
- Not wearing child safety helmet: $85 - I never did even though it was a law here, but a good idea nonetheless.
- Lack of proper lighting: $35 - You're a much smaller object than people expect to see in or around the road. You need to bring up visibility, especially at night.
- Improper brakes: $110 - I have no idea what "improper brakes are, but it's probably a good idea to have proper ones.
- No horn or bell: $110 - You know, yelling "HEY!" always worked for me. Was a lot louder too. And I think I'd be a lot more worried if it sounded like a clown was quickly catching up to me.
- Cycling the wrong way on a one-way street: $110 - Eh... iffy. I definitely see where it comes from, and wouldn't knock an area for having it, but sometimes it's just faster to go that way. Especially if you're on the sidewalk.
- Ignoring railroad crossing restrictions: $110 - Big trains come through here. If you think you're Huffy can take on Thomas the Tank Engine, you're probably not going to appreciate how good that $110 fine could be for you.
- Riding in a crosswalk: $110 - Again, people should be in control of the bikes they're riding. If you cross using the crosswalk, make sure you're careful around the people who are also there.
I think I'm going to keep the phrase "Rogue Cyclist" in my vocabulary from now on though.