I live in a very bike-oriented city--lots of bike lanes/paths. Yet a lot of folks around here don't seem to know or obey the rules of the road--especially the college students. They think, especially because they're on campus, that they don't have to stop for pedestrians or they can just zip right through a stop sign. Well, tell ya what--that stop sign was put there for their protection. I'm just waiting for one of those idiots to get creamed by a car or to mangle a pedestrian.
As a cyclist I can say that I always obey the rules of the road on busy roads, signalling and all. I might not pay as much attention on slow side streets where traffic is minimal at best, but I generally stick with traffic (duh) and stop for stop signs (or at least slow down).
Generally I agree with the fines, because a cyclist obeying the rules of the road as they should be should never get one. And I must say I'm glad every time I see a cop with a cyclist pulled over--cars aren't the only things that can break the law.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau