Originally Posted by host
I don't know....so how can you know??? Time Magazine reports yesterday that a small Delta Force team of U.S. soldiers was close enough to determine that Zarqawi did not leave the house before they called in an airstrike. Today, Gen. Caldwell says that U.S. troops did not arrive until 28 minutes after the air strike, just 24 minutes before Zarqawi died.
The U.S. Army tells us that Zarqawi died of lung injuries, alleged "proof" that he was not "beaten to death", but is it "proof" that he was not beaten?
The only reasonable way I can interpret your quotes, save concluding they are outright contradictions (which isn't out of the realm of possibility, but the following is an alternate reading), is to understand that the second reference is to a small group of team members that the speaker did not include in his operatational definition of "coalition forces."
it's entirely reasonable, I think, to understand that there are "coalition forces" as an entity seperate or over and above smaller units (e.g., Delta Force, or whathaveyou) that may or may not be contained within that signifier when the person thinking about "coalition forces" is speaking.