Honestly, I'm not sure if it makes any difference to me whether he was beaten to death or bombed to death. I mean, they dropped the bomb on the house specifically because HE was there - so whether the killing was close range or by pushing a button, it almost amounts to an assassination... It seems to me that this matters more than the exact mechanism of his demise (if it matters at all). Really, I see this as a non-issue.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not a person that thinks the US has license to kill, imprison, and torture anyone we want, but I am rather apathetic about whether troops beat Zarqawi before he died, or even if they killed him by beating him. After all, they dropped a bomb on him, and that was intended to kill him. And for the record, whether Zarqawi was incompetent or not, and whether his mayhem was a construction of the DoD or not doesn't matter to me either. He was someone who either killed innocents well or poorly, and for that I think he was fair game.
I guess I'd just rather see us pursue questions that are a little more meaningful...
Cogito ergo spud -- I think, therefore I yam