Originally Posted by samcol
Is it unfair to use the words 'Al Qaida in Iraq" and 'Pentagon' interchangably, especially after the 'Military Plays Up Role of Zarqawi' article on the first page? How can we be sure that this new internet posting proclaiming the new leader of al qaida in Iraq is anything other than more BS from the Pentagon?
That's just it: we don't know. Al-Muhajer may not even exist. Al-Muhajer could be a short order cook who once was in the same area code as an al Qaeda member. The fact of the matter is that there is no more reason to trust these reports...which means we either wait for another terrorist attack or for absolutely nothing to happen by a ficticious terrorist. It's all a sick game. al-Zarqawi was a nobody until the Pentagon (or was it the DoD? I can't keep it all straight) alledged that he was the missing link between Iraq and the al Qaeda.