my mrs is a dietician and nutritionist, so i can tell you a little about reducing your weaight and eating healthy.
someone up there mentioned eating less sodium. sodium (salt) helps your body retain water. by reducing salt you reduce the water retention in your body. this si done by many bodybuilders just before competition so they can rip up bigtime. it works but its dangerous if taken to extremes.
for reducing that beer gut, its all about basic arithmetic really. your calorie intake should be less than your calories burnt for the day. by keeping that in mind, you will naturally start losing weight automaticaly, without a so-called 'diet'. your body will deplete slowly. the faster you take it off, the bigger the chances are of putting it back on.
if you do want to make a drastic change to your diet, the try cutting out carbs in your diet. try brown breads, cut down on your pastas, potatoes, breads and. increase your protein intake and increase your physcial activity. in a week you'll be able to tell the difference.
everyone has 'abs'. they are just a muscle that is always there. even obese people have abs. the best way to get 'abs' is to exercise it, it will grow and hence you'll be able to see it more.
depends how hard your really want to take it, but slow and steady is always best.
good luck. let us know how u go
An injustice anywhere, is an injustice everywhere
I always sign my facebook comments with ()()===========(}. Does that make me gay?
- Filthy