She's pushing. Don't know why, but she's pushing, testing. First she cheats; then confesses. You forgive her. Now she's asked you to move in to prove your love. She may be doing this unconsciously. But she's testing the limits of what you will or won't do, and for your sake, _don't_ give in on any demand or pressure simply for fear of losing her.
If she really loves _you_ honestly, she'll be willing to negotiate on things she needs in the relationship -- not just make demands. This is something she needs to learn, and who's to say she won't? But she never will if she learns she can just make demands and have them met.
I once turned down a girlfriend who wanted me to move in -- not because I needed my space, but because I didn't think she was serious enough. I'd lived with somebody and broken up, and I didn't want to go through all that again unless we were both ready to give it a good shot. But she didn't want to talk out our expectations and all, she just wanted me in there, without even making a commitment to try for the long haul. She just wanted company, I think.
She'd had a bunch of failed live-in relationships, and I could see this being another one. I liked her a lot, and could have loved her. But she didn't want to do the work.
I would say that your friend may think that relationships progress by one party simply making demands of the other. Tell her that this is not so. Make her join you in doing the work of making real, joint decisions. Her "bossiness" is more about immaturity than a skill for taking charge.
Last edited by Rodney; 06-11-2006 at 05:03 PM..