Originally Posted by cj2112
I'm a single Dad so i've had some experience on the other side of the fence. First understand that the kid will ALWAYS come first. Let me say that again....THE KID WILL ALWAYS COME FIRST. I've been in a few relationships and dated a few women since my divorce a number of years ago. I've always been very up front about my kids always coming first. Without fail every relationship since the divorce has ended because the other party could not deal with this (this is not to say that this will happen again, just that people who do this well are rare, my stepdad is one of those rare people).
Well, I've been married for 4 years, and in my marriage my wife comes first, then my kids. This role is irreversible. If I was a single dad and my pickup line was 'you'll never mean more to me than my kids do', no wonder you're not having much luck in the relationship department. Clearly I'm not implying here that you ditch your kids and let them suffer while you go out moonlighting and dating all the women you can find. But I think that if you're seriously looking for a relationship, you can still underscore the importance of your children in your life, while still acknowledging that a woman you love and trust could fill a huge void in your life. What I take from you post is that you don't really care if you get into another relationship unless the absolutely perfect situation comes along. And the perfect situation in your mind is finding a woman who'll you'll be able to treat as less special than your kids.