Originally Posted by stevie667
We can't have everyone going around armed, because it only takes one idiot before we have a riot.
One thing i've noticed about all the people I know that are armed....they are some of the most polite people i've ever met and go out of their way to avoid conflict. It has been my experience that those people that know they have the power of life and death strapped to their belt take great pains to make sure they don't abuse it.
Originally Posted by stevie667
You say more than one massacre has been prevented by guns, but how many more have been caused? Its not a very good arguing point.
sure it is. think about this. at least two that I'm aware of were stopped because a responsible adult had a gun to stop it. the others were allowed to happen because there wasn't anyone there armed until police showed up.
Originally Posted by stevie667
Did those kids who went nuts at schools do it with guns they purchased on the black market, or happened to get from the store/family/home e.t.c?
all of the above, except for the gun store. juveniles are not allowed to buy guns legally.
Originally Posted by stevie667
Banning guns has prevented crime, it doesn't prevent all crime, but it does prevent alot that would happen if people had free access to guns. You can't ban knives, but you can at least try to keep them under control from a legal stand point.
I don't believe banning guns prevented crime. It may have prevented a gun crime, but it only forced intent criminals to find other tools or methods.
Originally Posted by stevie667
The point that you seem to be making is that people should be armed because the criminals are armed. Shouldn't the whole point be stopping the criminals have weapons in the first place?
when you can guarantee that criminals will not have the slightest possible chance of having any kind of weapon, I could possibly consider more stringent controls on private possession.