Originally Posted by Daniel_
OK - there was a shooting at Hungerford (where a mentally ill man used an assault rifle, if I remember correctly). And then a few years later there was the shooting at Dunblane (where a man shot up a school with a handgun).
This was BEFORE the rules were changed, and therefore under the old gun control measures - and we still remember them decades later - this demonstrates not that we are at the mercy of criminals and ought to defend ourselves, but that we have a largely gun free society where acts so small that they would only just make the local news in the US remain in the national consciousness for years.
now I ask you, in your largely gun free society, are people NOT at the mercy of criminals who aren't following those gun laws?
Originally Posted by Daniel_
What crap. Knives have been carried for years and have been the "default" weapon of choice for most criminals for years - again, we have had rules in the UK forbidding the sale of knives to the under 16s for a decade or more, and simple possession of a knife with intent to harm is punishable by 2 years in jail already - BEFORE the new attention on knives.
ok, i'll accept that knives have been carried for years before this attention was brought to them, so I ask WHY has that attention been brought to them?
Originally Posted by Daniel_
In your case you downgrade the weapons aailable and you are dealing with smaller and smaller slices of crime - therefore the number of people that get hurt or killed in England with it's silly laws that keep guns out of the hands of normal people is vastly lower than in nice, safe USA with it's armed citizens.
by your statement here, I can only assume that your premise is that crime in England is mostly associated with 'normal' people being allowed access to guns. Are the English that inclined to commit crimes just because they were able to own a gun?
Originally Posted by Daniel_
If having a gun makes you feel safe, then I'm glad you are happy with your local laws - keeping guns out of peoples private ownership makes me feel safe, so I'm happy to live here.

Having a gun makes me feel safer than I would if I didn't have one, does keeping guns out of the hands of private law abiding citizens make you feel safer from criminals who have guns illegally?