It is a laundry additive, although they do have a detergent as well. However, I add a scoop at the beginning, when I put my soap in. I have a little stackable washer/dryer in my apartment, so no fancy dispensers for fabric softener or bleach. I purchased a Downy ball for my fabric softener, and I can just drop it all in and forget about it all until it's done.
I'm not saying you're going to have instant results. I don't remember if his stains (his were white, btw) went away after the first wash, but within the first month of washing (doing laundry once a week) with the OxiClean, they were gone. I've never tried adding it to the soak, that may help it work faster.
You can try using a stain remover to get rid of the stains. I get mine along with my fabric softener and detergent at Quixtar... it costs a little more, and has to be shipped, but it all works great, and is concentrated, so it lasts longer. I don't know if that will work for you, as it didn't work for my bf (not even the good stuff), but give it a shot... shouldn't hurt to try. =)
Don't trust anything that can bleed for a week and not die. Oh wait, that's me... nevermind... you can trust me.