Originally Posted by Halx
Well, you're all assuming we're gonna keep it inhouse. That's not my intentions. Why create a social experiment designed for only a finite number of people to use? If anything, the TFP influence would be small. Hopefully I can grab the attention of other groups on the internet and hopefully it can get going like that.
I think this could be a very interesting forum that would definately draw some attention.
In any case, is all of this "It will never work" a lack of support? Let's get some constructive thinking going on. How can it work?
I think if you are truly going for "no rules" then you may see people register and post the nastiest, foulest, most racist, prejudicial things just for attention and to see it fail.
I do believe there should be an application process or a tiered process that will weed those people out. But in doing so would that not defeat your whole idea?
It is quite a complex problem, how do you keep something totally without rules and yet make sure it is not ruined by people who wish to see it fail or want to try to make power plays?