Originally Posted by kutulu
It's funny, back in the day, pitchers' schedules were not as rigid as they are now. They didn't have the same pitch counts, and they threw more innings. How did these guys work 300 innings/season and not blow out their arms?
Guys were throwing the same types of pitches, were they just not throwing as hard?
I've often pondered the same thing. Guys like Christy Matthewson and Walter Johnson pitching on WAY less rest than anyone today does, throwing smoke, and staying healthy. Were they just tougher back then? Talent level in general lower so that the premier guys stood out more? I don't know.
But look at guys like Prior and Wood. Ever since the 03 season when Dusty used them deep in games, with high pitch counts, time and time again, they've been hurt, or underwhelming. I have a hunch that Prior is just afraid to pitch with a sore arm. But Wood is a gamer. I think it seriously just tore up his arm. But what do I know?
BTW - Not a Cubs' fan, actually a ChiSox fan.