well, I only have the two Macs using the VPN, but yes, either one would cause the problem.
The router lights and cable modem lights seemed to be acting normally... that was one of the first things I checked.
I have an update on the situation... I didn't even get things switched back, and the VPN has crashed things again. So my IT guy's next solution is to directly connect my computer to the cable modem, and see how that works.
I've tried an inbetween step, and had my AirPort Express connected to the cable modem, and connect my laptop to the wireless network, but that wasn't happy (my computer was actually lagging so bad it may have been freezing, and I had to take the battery out a couple times in order to restart), so I had to turn off the AirPort connectivity on my laptop, and have the laptop wired directly to the cable modem.
I'll keep things updated... sounds like it could it be the physical router, but if it messes up still, do you think it could be the VPN or my service provider?
Don't trust anything that can bleed for a week and not die. Oh wait, that's me... nevermind... you can trust me.