Originally Posted by hulk
if they can't tell you how to improve then it's worthless.
Agreed. Criticism without a basis for improvement IMHO is simply condemnation.
Not that there is a right way to criticize, but something I learned coaching kids years ago was offer a praise sandwich. Put the criticism between two things the person does right. Instead of saying “You aren’t making good throws to first base, I’d say something like “You’re fielding those hits to third well, now I want you to work on making the throw to first. Keep up on that hustle, you’re doing great.” I’ve found this works just as well at work and with my kids at home too.
Originally Posted by maleficent
Should other people's opinions matter to us, or should the only opinion that matters, be what we think?
There are people’s opinions that I value, and some that I don’t. Finding those that I can rely on and trust is important.