If you have any doubts at all, I most definitly would recommend that you DO NOT move in together. Speaking from personal experience, me and my ex moved in together and thought we were ready and both agreed to it. Yet living together with no personal space was a lot different than sleeping over all time but being able to go home after an argument for some privacy.
Considering that you already have doubts and you KNOW that you like your freedom, I'd say moving in is a bad idea. Just think about where you can go to calm down in a apartment/house where the 2 of you live together. The answer is nowhere haha. If she is bossy she will most likely follow you around and nag. In which point speaking for myself i was wishing i could dissappear.
But that's just me. I know people who move in together and love it, but to wrap it up, if you don't want to move in, then it definitly won't work out.
good luck