Originally Posted by ngdawg
Since you're on it anyway, find something that encourages real life participation, then go participate. Car clubs, bike clubs (either pedal or motor), photography clubs, all kinds of organizations have real life people doing real life things within those interests. Do you have any interests or hobbies you put on the back burner?
This is what I really need to do. But, it is very hard to find any stable regular groups around here. It just seems like everyone is always busy and have other stuff to do as well. I am trying to get together with a bunch of people from another message board that we've all been posting on for 2-3 years, and we have found 2 weekends from now until October where everyone can get together.
I'm still working on my schedule and trying to find a good balance. I've started to not watch TV before work, so that is 2 hours not wasted getting ready for work in the morning.
I'm open to all ideas and suggestions, but the 4-5 of porn is probably not going away until it is replaced with 4-5 hours of cuddling and sex. I would just be able to sleep a few hours more a week if I stopped watching it anyway.
I do need to combine things more and be able to have friends that would want to exercise at the same time. 11 hours of Internet time would be a good goal coming down from 30 hours a week. Once I get some computer projects done, I hope I can turn it off on Fridays and possibly Saturdays. And the TiVo hours have dropped since there aren't any new episodes on until the Fall of some of the shows. I'm not too concerned about the TV anymore.