All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism
My signature... I don't remember where I grabbed it from, but it spoke to me on a week where i was getting nothing but bitching from my mother, customers, coworkers, management, pretty much everyone i came into contact with...
Ignoring it seemed to be a good way to go - though I really am not good with that...
So... Is it a true statement or not? Should other people's opinions matter to us, or should the only opinion that matters, be what we think?
I personally believe that opinions are like assholes, everyone has one... Too m any times i've seen opinions given where none was asked for... If I wanted to know, I'd ask... so ignoring it seems to be a good way to go.. It's not to say that that opinion, or criticism can't be taken under advisement and acted upon later, but to change course based on a criticism is just wrong.