Want a good laugh? My mum phoned me up the night before and said, fully seriously: "You aren't goiing to work tomorrow, are you?".
"Um, yeah...?"
"But it's the day of Satan! There will be terrorist bombs going off and train crashes and things!".
"Um, yeah. Somewhere there might well be. So?"
"So you need to stay in or you might get killed or hurt or something!"
"Er, maybe, yes. Just as is true for every other day I step out of the house and go to work, or indeed, every day I exist and do anything at all..."
"Well, I'm just thinking of you - I want you to be careful."
"Uh, ok mum, I'll be extra careful tomorrow."
"Good. We've made sure all the doors and windows are locked - nothing will happen to us. Please do the same."
"Um, yes mum, of course I will."
Great fun and I was trying so hard not to laugh out loud - she was being deadly serious all the time! I then went to bed with the windows wide open, as usual, as I would roast in my sleep if they weren't...
Parents are great, aren't they?!