I don't mind if it is quiet, but none at all is horrible. My current girl make no noise, one because I think she has multiple (more then normal) and does not want to show it, two she is insecure. But, she is working on it with breathing.
Now it is a fact that with the right breathing for a female, their orgasm pleasure will increase. With that it’s best to be quite if you understand that. The problem I have is that it gives me no motive, now if there is heavy breathing that I can pick up then I have a motive to be more active, to understand when to relax or judge what is better. Body language is good as well but some freeze up so physical contact is needed. I used to be silent as hell, till I understood that when I showed it my partners would change up a bit and it would feel even better now I make is faint just enough for them to go harder, and if it feels better I get louder. The trick is to make them want to please you more, and if they are silent then they must find other ways to achieve the same feeling otherwise they appear selfish to me.