Originally Posted by abaya
Makes you wanna have kids, doesn't it? (How did you do it, Raeanna?!)
Do you mean how did I have a kid?? - I went through 23 hours of labor and she just wouldn't fit through at all. Ended up having a c-section so I never pushed a baby through there. Now that I'm fixed I'll never know that feeling and honestly I don't covet it. I wasn't a screamer in labor but I bet I would have been while pushing.
I know the feeling about thinking you should feel different after being told you have an STD. Yet - you are still the same person. This will go away, as long as you keep an eye on things there should be no trouble at all. Good luck on it.
Oh and they wouldn't have known for sure if you had HPV from any Pap. If they find abnormal cells they remove all of them during a colposcopy so it removes the virus if there is one. It helps control things so that you don't develop cervical cancer. It's good you got it done. I'm glad it wasn't too bad for you.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.