Originally Posted by Redlemon
Pager -- Sounds like it is a little more than a Private Message, but a little less than Chat. I'm not sure if we really need a tool to fill in that gap. Also, I only expect to see a message pop up when I load a new page; if one pops up while I'm trying to type a response, that would probably be annoying. (On the other hand, I'm old-school when in comes to communications. I've never IM'd, and my cell phone is just a phone.)
Originally Posted by maleficent
The PAGER The company I currently work for has an instant messenger type program built into it (we had it long before AOL did  and honestly, most of our clients prefer either YIM, AIM, Trillian, or whatever the flavor du jour is... having an instant chat program is nice... but many folks have an instant messenger program that is already running- so does any benefit come from this? It's getting messages in two places.
I generally agree with this.
Originally Posted by onodrim
Of all the possible features, I like the idea of the Pager best. It would be great for in-forum communication without the wait of a PM. However, some of the above users do have valid points about it being just one more way to talk online apart from chat and IM. But there are situation where I'm talking to someone that deals directly with a board issue, and in those cases this would be very useful. I think it'd be a good feature to add, but not necessary either.
OK, I can see how there *might* be some circumstances where it's actually useful, but in this case, will it save logs so that users can look back on the chats the same way they look back on PMs? My IMs log, IRC logs, I save my PMs...I'm very unlikely to use a form of communication that will no longer log.
Originally Posted by Daoust
Just a question regarding this... can only the mods see this? Can others? Can I bring my rating back to 0% if I have no warnings over a certain period of time?
Only mods and you can see your warning status. Notice how you can't see the warning meter on anyone's posts except your own. Most warnings are permanent - this is the way it has always been, we just have a much better way of keeping track of things now.