I also agree that depression may be caused by a chemical imbalance.
The reason I take issue with the idea of chemical imbalance as another excuse is that we'll never be able to prove one very important thing:
Does chemical imbalance cause depressive disorders?
Or do depressive disorders cause chemical imbalance?
How do you know, conclusively, that it wasn't the negative thoughts that created the "chemical" difference?
You can divert the flow by using chemicals to subdue it, or you can use pyschotherapy to stop it at its source. I prefer the latter.
Why do you care? It's what someone thinks, it's the opinion someone is entitled to. It's something they formulate based on criteria that they alone create and understand. It's something that you are powerless to control yet feel the need to try to.
Much like my opinion that using depression as an excuse makes you a failure? Pot, kettle?