Originally Posted by shakran
Jinn, you seem to lack a basic understanding of depression. Quite often depression is caused by a chemical imbalance. Saying someone is a failure because of a chemical imbalance is like saying they're a failure because they got the flu. They can't help it, it's not their fault, and there was nothing they could have done to prevent it.
Even if it's not a chemical imbalance, sometimes things in life happen that make you depressed (clinically). People are not robots, and despite what you seem to think they are not failures for not being robots. Unlike robots, emotions play a large part in our cognitive processes, and therefore our actions. To say that someone is a failure because their brain is responding normally to clinical depression is asinine.
I definitely agree that telling someone that they are a failure because they are depressed may not be the best treatment strategy. I also agree that depression may be caused by a chemical imbalance. Maybe I'm just splitting hairs here, but a person may have depression caused by a chemical imbalance and it may be that person's fault and they may have been able to do something to prevent it. Even if it isn't their fault, it is their responsibility. If I have a problem, it's my responsibility to solve it or find help to solve it (whether it's depression or even cancer). Too often I see people trying do absolve themselves of responsibility because of something biological.
That said, I again agree that depression does not make someone a failure. And calling someone a failure for being depressed is probably not too helpful.