Originally Posted by xepherys
Sticky- I may not choose who I think is attractive, but I don't think it's part of my genetic makeup... that's the point I'm trying to get across. Like MEAD says, if you can show me the genome that makes a man like men or like women, or a woman like a woman or a man, or makes a guy think about boning a sheep or makes a girl want a threesome or a gang bang, I'm going to call bullshit on "born that way". Sometimes choices are made without THINKING about them. You do it all the time, every day.
I was trying to point out that an attraction to a certain look is different than sexual preference.
Even though you are attracted to asian and redhead women you may still sleep with a woman who is not asian or redhead.
The answer is proabably yes but only you really know the answer.
But would you sleep with a guy?
The answer is probably no.
So what is the difference between those two.
I was trying to point out that your attraction to asian ans redhead women while learnt or developed over time is not really the same thing as your heterosexuality.