i've done beltsander races, lobster picking races, and crab crawl races for the Maine Children's Cancer Society and might just have to get the local kids involved in this...
By Marco R. della Cava, USA TODAY
SACRAMENTO — Some sounds just get under your skin. The soprano-pitched whine of a dentist's drill and the machine-gun staccato of a jackhammer come to mind.
And so it is with the curious clatter rising from the grounds of Harkness Elementary School on a recent Saturday morning.
Clack-clack-clack-clack. Like the hoof beats of a thousand ticked-off Clydesdales.
This is cup stacking, the deceptively simple task of building and taking down pyramids of plastic cups. Fast
How fast?
because kids are in it i have to link it... watch
In fact, here are a few reasons why parents all across this land may soon find their homes haunted by clack-clack sounds:
• In August, ESPN will air highlights from the championships, which attracted 1,100 stackers.
• The broadcast coincides with the arrival of official sport stacking gear in stores such as Wal-Mart and The Sports Authority. Play Along, the toymakers behind the revival of Care Bears, will take over Fox's small-scale manufacturing operation and blanket airwaves with ads.
• About 11,000-and-counting school physical education programs have incorporated sport stacking into their curriculums.
if i could get our local kids into this and sell tickets for a meet with all the proceeds going to the charity, what a blast this would be...
i could sell sodas and hot dogs to bolster the reciepts...
winners would get a trophy which i know i could get donated...
for our other events we've had newspaper and TV coverage and it's always shown helpful by the numbers in attendance...
just think of it... future bartenders the likes of Coyote Ugly...
but they call it a sport... is it??? wouldn't baseball card flipping be a sport then???