The trouble with labelling people who are depressed as failures is not only that it's patently wrong, but it can cause more damage to an already damaged person.
Jinn, you seem to lack a basic understanding of depression. Quite often depression is caused by a chemical imbalance. Saying someone is a failure because of a chemical imbalance is like saying they're a failure because they got the flu. They can't help it, it's not their fault, and there was nothing they could have done to prevent it.
Even if it's not a chemical imbalance, sometimes things in life happen that make you depressed (clinically). People are not robots, and despite what you seem to think they are not failures for not being robots. Unlike robots, emotions play a large part in our cognitive processes, and therefore our actions. To say that someone is a failure because their brain is responding normally to clinical depression is asinine.
I'm not entirely sure but you may have a lack of understanding about the difference between being sad (what many refer to as being depressed) and clinical depression. Being sad is a passing thing, depression is much more permanent.
Frankly your post is not in line with the title you seem proud of giving yourself. For all you know there could be someone reading this thread who is currently depressed. Being called a failure, especially if it's not accurate or just, is certainly not going to help them get through their problems.