These are just my philosophical beliefs, not my scientific ones
God is the soul of the Universe. (very similiar to krwlz)
There is a duality and balance to everything. (yin & yang)
We are here to survive & experience. (no more to it than that)
We have to exist, in one aspect or another. (nature abhors a void)
My tenents...
There is no meaning but what you give yourself
There are no guarantees and no excuses (don’t expect; hope)
Be prepared and act efficiently
Understand the consequences of your own actions and words
Be responsible for your actions and words
You are responsible for your own happiness
Consider the others’ feelings and opinions
We are all one and individual
Have faith in yourself
Live life to its fullest
Qabbalic principles:
Spirit - Soul/faith
Fire - Energy/passion/desire
Water - Emotion
Air - Intellect/wisdom
Earth - Animal/human
and all the diverse aspects including both masculine & feminine.
A Warrior hunts with Intent
(from the writings of Carlos Casteneda)
And that's just the tip of the iceberg...
I have absorbed too much religion, history, philosophy, mysticism, scientific principles
and so on to place such a background into simple statements.
It's fascinating the complexity of it all, it gives you a sense of awe,
if you really try to comprehend how it really works & the scales involved.
Everytime you've think you've got it down, think again.
And we haven't really started yet...
Last edited by rogue49; 05-26-2003 at 07:56 PM..