Originally Posted by abaya
Hmm, non-vitamins? I guess most of you guys are talking about workout-related things, but for me (a lady), I find acidophilus pills and/or yogurt really help prevent yeast infections... which I hate.
I also try to take iron pills regularly because I'm often anemic (another common problem with women).
Btw, is single-digit body fat really that desirable for guys? It sounds kind of extreme... I'd think the low teens would be more realistic, and ideal.
I was gonna say the same suppliments.
Acidophilous (Help prevent BV and yeast both - For hubby it helps control athletes foot)
Iron (Chonically anemic)
Iodine (to help with Iron absorption - it seems I don't absorb it without the Iodine)
Cranberry concentrate tablets (prevent and help heal UTI's)
Omega 3 and 6 (they seem to help my broken foot not bother me as much during barometer changes)
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.