Networking Issue/Question
There may already be a thread about this, but with the search function not working....
Why does switching ports on a router make a difference as to how things work?
I have a mini network in my apartment. It consists of two desktops (one Mac, one PC) and a Mac laptop, two printers, and a router. The laptop and the inkjet printer works off my wireless AirPort Express hub. I use either one of the Macs for work, and haven't really had any problems.
Last week, we had a thunderstorm, and that day, I had to restart the network a few times (unplug and replug the power to the cable modem, router, and computers, in that order), but only seemed to have problems when I would connect to the VPN that is needed to get on the servers in the main branch of my company. I would stay connected for awhile, then eventually, my internet connection would just fall away. If I didn't get on the VPN, there were no issues, as I was on the web all weekend, but didn't have problems until I went on the VPN Sunday night.
Our IT guy said to switch the ports that things are in, so I switched the laptop with the PC, and the desktop Mac with the laser printer, and so far, so good. I'm just wondering why that would work like that.
Don't trust anything that can bleed for a week and not die. Oh wait, that's me... nevermind... you can trust me.