This is very frustrating since most don't know what it means. When you look at it, are we trying to be on the winning team or are we aligning ourselves with those who best represent our ideas? Most people are following men not ideas.
I like smaller government - those who call themselves conservatives have expanded the scope, spending and power of the government to unprecidented levels. I can't see where I signed up for that.
I am no longer a Republican, a liberal, a Democrat or a Conservative. I am a critical thinker. I long to commune in a land of people dedicated to thought and legitimate debate.
I will dissagree with one thing though - the rudder has not fallen off. It is just the controls have been bypassed while we stood by silent. This ship is not wandering the oceans randomly. It is going exactly where those at the helm want it to. It doesnt' have to be a conspiracy either. All you have to do as a politician is:
1. Act in your own best interest.
2. Tell everyone that you are an altruist and only working for the public good.
3. Condemn anyone who is following rule #1 (openly).
We let them do this to us by being lazy.
All truth passes through three stages:
First it is ridiculed
Second, it is violently opposed and
Third, it is accepted as self-evident.