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Old 06-05-2006, 04:33 PM   #1 (permalink)
Please touch this.
Halx's Avatar
Location: Manhattan
Upgrade Status: New/Planned Features, Current Bugs

To report a bug, please read this thread to see if it hasn't already been noted, then post in THIS THREAD

Ok, over the weekend, if you didn't catch on, I upgraded the TFP to vBulletin 3.5.4. The following is a list of changes, planned changes, and bugs. Some things will go without mention, because they are just part of how the new software functions. Please do not use this thread to report bugs. There is a separate thread for bugs. If you have any input on the features I mention, please speak up.

<ol type="I">
<li>NEW FEATURES -- Let us know what you think so far.</li>
<ol type="A">
<li>Testimonials -- Users can post their impressions about the site here. We'll use this function to introduce the site to new users and hopefully drag them over to the Tilted side.</li>
<li>Google Map -- A nifty little visual of member dispersion. Add your pin to the map to show everyone where you live. Instructions on how to get your coordinates are HERE</li>
<li>Double Post Auto-Merge -- If you add a post to a thread, then add another before anyone has responded, your second post will be merged with your previous one. This is to help the fluidity of posts and to prevent incessant thread bumping.</li>
<li>New Warning System -- This is a tool used by the mods to better manage the warnings we hand out. The Warning % next to your post is your "toxicity" level, if you will. If you get warned by a mod, you will be able to see why. Various infractions have different weights, however when you reach 100%, banning ensues. I'm sure 95% of you don't ever have to worry about this. </li>
<li>New BBcodes -- You can check out the new additions HERE. BBcodes are formatting shortcuts to help you customize and organize the look of your posts.</li>
<li>PLANNED FEATURES -- Please provide feedback on these to help me decide to implement them or not</li>
<ol type="A">
<li>Pager -- An in-forum instant messenger. Talk to your friends without continuously refreshing the page as you wait for their private message. Alert a mod instantly about an issue. Surprise-welcome a newbie.</li>
<li>Personal Stickies -- Attach a thread to the top of the forum for easy reference. You're the only one who can see it.</li>
<li>Toplist -- Link enchange for traffic trading. Put a link to the TFP on your site and we'll link to you based on how much traffic you send us.</li>
<li>Arcade -- Play games like Snake, Pacman, Asteroids, Tetris and Space Invaders right here on the TFP. Get the top score. Brag about it.</li>
<li>Support -- A trouble ticket system for more organized reporting and tracking of issues.</li>
<li>Styles -- The following styles will be adapted to TFP standards: vBulletin 3, TFP Green, Insignia, fromBasics Dark, 2e Forest, I-Bulletin, Dark Cloud, and Sandstorm. At this moment, only vBulletin 3 and TFP Green are at least 95% functional with the new board software.</li>
<li>KNOWN BUGS/MISSING FEATURES -- Things I'm aware of.</li>
<ol type="A">
<li>Missing Donor/Mod tags -- This was a customization that I need to reinstate. To do this, I'm gonna be teaching myself XML!</li>
<li>Slow Journals -- The Journals feature is written by a 3rd party who just made it to appease popular demand. The SQL queries it uses are horribly unrefined and are single-handedly responsible for the slowness of this site, especially since you can't view single entries with the new version. If I can't fix up the queries myself, I will look into new journal software.</li>
<li>Broken Images in Styles -- Right now, the only style that should be working is vBulletin 3. TFP Green, to a lesser extent, is also working. The rest of the styles will eventually receive working links and graphics.</li>
<li>Missing Avatars -- If your avatar is missing, please upload a new one. I've disabled animated avatars for some usegroups.</li>
<li>Unable to upload files -- This is an issue with old versions of MSIE. Upgrade!</li>
<li>Old Journal Buddies not working -- Please edit your journal buddies list. The new version seems to parse them differently.</li>
<li>Search Index Gone - I deleted it to help with speeding the upgrade. I'll be rebuilding it soon.</li>
You have found this post informative.
-The Administrator
[Don't Feed The Animals]
Halx is offline  

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