Originally Posted by MrSelfDestruct
This kind of thinking (God tests us by testing/restricting how we may use free will/etc.) is one of my arguments against the existance of the traditional image of God. This implies sadism and an enjoyment of others' misery and misfortune, which are clearly traits of imperfect humans and not an all-good deity, leading me to believe that man, unable and unwilling to find explanations for that which he cannot understand or does not like0., created a God in his image to serve his purposes.
I always saw monotheism as a way to prepare people for a totalitarian rule. One God, infalable, worthy of worship and praise..etc, seems to me like a way to teach people how to properly live in a totaliatian society.
Maybe God made His decision about homosexuality in the Old Testiment, and now has changed His mind...just like law and gospel.
Originally Posted by Topper
Science needs to catch up to your bullshit meter then xepherys.
My bullshit meter can actually sense bovine fecal matter. It's really useless until I get to the midwest, when it becomes a life saver.
I was not born attracted to asian women, I picked it up as a trait after birth. Did I make a conscious decision to be attracted to asian women? Nope. Was it inate? Nope. There is a middle ground here, folks. That is the real question. Is one born with geneology that preps biochemestry to find the same gender attractive? Or could it be a combination of environmental factors? Would these two choices acheive the same result? I doubt seriosuly that ANYONE has made a conscious decision to be gay...but I can't rule out entirely that it can be caused by environmental factors. The little phychologist that lives inside my brain won't let me simply accept that it's biochemical without proof.
Again, when I ask my gay friends (experts on the subject, if a bit biased), they say it's genetic. When I ask a psychologist, I usually get "environmental". Who's right? I have no idea. All I know is that being gay isn't wrong or immoral in my mind.