Originally Posted by Bossnass
Both my mother and my future mother-in-law had been very involved in trying to cut corners in previous weddings and had unhappy memories/regrets about it.
Ah, but how did you and your wife feel about that? Do you think you would have regretted cutting more corners than you did?
I suppose that's my general question... I mean, I'm sure those of you who sprung tens of thousands of dollars don't have any regrets (I hope!).

But what about those who spent less? Do you, personally, have any regrets that you didn't have a fancier wedding? (I am not talking about parents/friends/siblings, etc... just the couple getting married.) Keep in mind that ktspktsp's and my parents are pretty uninvolved with the whole US side of the celebration... and I know my parents don't give a rip how fancy things are. The only people who seem to be hot and bothered about the "fancy" wedding would be those who were indoctrinated into the wedding ideology when we were all attending a Christian college... and I don't intend to invite many of those.
So it really comes down to us.
I guess it's an individual thing. I mean, I just wonder, "Would I really regret not taking care of every minute detail? (And if I did regret it, couldn't we just have a really nice vow renewal 5 or 10 years down the road, since that's what really matters, anyway?)" In all four weddings that I was a bridesmaid for... I hardly remember the details. I remember the bride's dress, I remember the big smile on the groom's face all day, I remember eating some cake and getting a bit drunk, and smiling at all the dancing and pretty flowers. But otherwise, what else is *really* necessary to celebrate the beginning of your lives together?